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    Three Peaks Pilgrim-age

    image of Jenni and Karen

    Our Strategy Director, Jenni, and Head of Procurement, Karen, are embarking on an exhilarating Pilgrim-age to conquer the highest peaks in England, Scotland, and Wales, aiming to raise £15,000 for GroceryAid.

    Putting their best foot forward, they will begin their journey by scaling Scotland's iconic and the UK's tallest mountain, Ben Nevis, on Friday, August 9th, conquering its summit at 1,345 meters above sea level. Next, they will tackle Scafell Pike on Saturday, August 10th, and wrap up with Snowdon the following morning. An incredible journey spanning 26 miles in total, with a demanding ascent of 10,000 feet!

    As they gear up for this extraordinary adventure, they are spurred on by the encouragement and good wishes of their coworkers, friends, and the entire GroceryAid community. With the funds raised being used to support our colleagues within the grocery industry who are in need of financial, emotional and physical support, they’ll have a real sense of purpose to carry them on their mission and help them push through the challenge.

    As they reach the summit of each peak, they will not only be greeted by breathtaking views but also by a sense of accomplishment and pride in knowing that they have made a difference. Their journey is not just about reaching the peaks but about reaching out to those in need and making a positive impact in the lives of others.

    So, as Jenni and Karen set off on this adventure of a lifetime, let us cheer them on, support them in their fundraising efforts, and celebrate their courage, resilience, and generosity.

    Together, we can help them reach new heights and make a real difference to support the GroceryAid’s work to support our colleagues working in any area of the industry to access support.

    Click here to donate!

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